Focus Auto Typer is an automatic typing software. It automates typing process for your data entry job. It can be used to transfer text to any third party software such as MF Notepad, OGS Notepad App, Hub Notepad, Agent, Agent8, Text Editor, any version of Image to typing etc.
Download free version of Focus auto typer and try it today.
This is best auto typer in the market with more advanced features and rich user friendly interface and offers wide range of features than any other software. This software simulate keyboard key strokes, just like manual typing. It means third party software will not be able to find whether the text typed through auto typer. It also works with any third-party software where copy and paste is disabled.
What's new in Focus Auto Typer Pro v4.0
Note: We provide full support to the clients who has valid license only. To get valid license, follow the link